Salt is a healer. A soothing, energising, hydrating, detoxifying mineral miracle. In our spa, different salts bring different benefits. There’s the salt stir bar. The mix is made to fix. And our room made of salt is an island first. SALT Equilibrium is about more than the spa. There’s a yoga mat in your room. A most-mindful meditation app. Then, outside, the slow sports, run routes, and location-inspired action get your body active. Equilibrium is about embracing nature and eating raw, plant-based food. You’ll be balanced in no time.
In its warm crystal glow, breathe your way to calm while pink Himalayan salt vapour boosts your respiratory system, skin, immunity, and energy levels.
We’re on an island, which by definition is surrounded by water. We’re lucky to have Palmar lagoon. It is as blue as it is pretty. You can explore the undersea or stay at the surface with our many water sports activities.